- Sitting Fee
$99.00 + GST
- Per Individual Digital Image
$35.00 + GST
High Resolution
- Silver Bar Collection
100 images all high resolution and edited - $699.00 + GST
I take in excess of 200 photos during the sitting to give me the best choice of images for the final product. 100 images may sound too many but I include all the combinations possible i.e. the entire family, just Mum, and Dad, Mum and her kids, Dad and his kids, Mum and her boys/girls and same for Dad, the kids together, the kids individually, the family pets if possible - sisters together, brothers being brothers - Nana and Grandad if they happen to be there. With all these different combinations it is easy to create 100 fun-filled images capturing your family just being yourselves and makes a great 'event' type of shoot to create storyboards/series or books from there.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries on 04 526 6300 or 027 526 6300.